
Same Sex Marriage Bill! Until Death Do Us Part! Deal With It!

I'm not going to pretend that I know much about Politics because I don't. To be honest, I'm not really interested and could care less about many issues but living in NY city one has to care and pay attention to many things. What people don't understand is that this bill, in my view, not only takes us one step closer to unity and acceptance but it helps the city financially as well. I would think with this new bill set in place it allows couples who get married a place to celebrate their wedding, anniversaries, etc in New York. Think about it? How much does it cost to go to City Hall and obtain a marriage certificate. The cost for getting married in New York is approximately $40.00 - $50.00 in most areas of the state. On average, US couples spend $24,066 for their wedding. However, the majority of couples spend between $18,050 and $30,083. Don't you think NY will benefit greatly? I do.

I hear many say it's disgusting, where has this world come to? OMG...what's next? What are we talking about? It's just one more step to equality for all of us. It's one more step to acceptance. It's an opportunity to show our kids that each person is a human being and that we all deserve to live as we choose as long as we are living a decent life with good morals and are contributing in a positive way to our community. What we do in our bedrooms is so irrelevant when you look at the big picture. But most of all loving and accepting each other for who we are is such a rewarding experience. Hypothetical Question: If you were about to get hit by a car and it so happens that the Gay bartender you were hating on 5 minutes prior pulls you back and saves your life would you think differently? Would your views change about this particular person?

Some people lie on their death bed wishing they had lived a different life, treated people better, gave more, etc. Why does it take the fear of death for us to live better lives and think differently and feel regret? What does it cost us to live positively loving everyone that crosses our path. There are no accidents.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and yes we do have free speech but that doesn't mean we have to see your opinions, listen to your venom and smell your hate. Negative energy is such a waste of time and we can smell you a mile away.

I have a beautiful 8 year old son and if he grows up and decides that men are his cup of tea than so be it. All I can do is love him and support him in whatever he decides to do with his life. I understand that there are many Christians out there who preach that God doesn't approve. Well God disapproves divorce and men and women go through it every day. Try every second? That's also financially advantageous to us. How much does it cost to get a divorce decree in this state. I spent about $400. For some marriages comes divorce. I'm thinking that this bill was passed MAINLY because of these statistics. I could be wrong but if I was working for the government and I was trying to find ways to make money for the city this would surely be one way. PASSING THE SAME SEX MARRIAGE BILL!

Would love to hear what you have to say!

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