
The Sacrifices We Make for Our Children

I woke up this morning and thought how much my life has changed. One grows mentally every day as a person, parent, daughter, sister, friend, etc. I started thinking how different my life is now as opposed to how it was 2-3 years ago. You think if you work all day and bring in that money that you will be fine and your kids will be taken care of. It's actually not like that at all. 2 -3 years ago I found myself outside of my home working, traveling frequently, stressed out and finding that I had absolutely no time for anything else. So what does that do for my child? I'm a single mother so I have to do this right? Well...being a single mother is hard enough so why would I leave my child alone all of the time without having his mother by his side helping him with his homework, his tests, his issues, etc? Because someone has to make the money right? I guess. I realized that making money is one thing but if your job is taking you away from your child than something has to change. We are always going to be away from our children while we work but it's the choice of job that we choose that determines how much time away we are from them.

I decided to leave it all a year ago to start my own one man show. Very, very difficult. Money doesn't come in as it used to. Bills aren't paid fast enough. Shopping doesn't exist and the luxuries are gone. But you know what? I have more time with my son. It's life changing. You realize the important things in life. You appreciate things you didn't before. My son's attitude has also changed and he's much more affectionate and thankful of his MOM. Priceless!

I know for some people the position, the salary and the vacations and luxuries are important and hooray to all of you who have that extra income in your family in order to make these things happen. But when you are doing it all alone one has to give all of that up to enjoy the most important thing in life......home, family and your kid!

Challenges are presented in your life and it's a wake up call so you can evaluate and choose the right path for you at the present time. This is for all the single parents out there trying to make ends meet and at the same time be there for your children. They do appreciate what you do for them. Once you explain to them what you had to give up for them to be happy they will change their views on a lot of things.

I used to think staying married was best for my child. How wrong I was. What's the use of having two parents in the household that can't stand each other anymore? Your child sees all of this. I stay because my child needs his father/mother. Really? Your child mocks what you do, learns from you and is molded by your actions. So if you are frequently unhappy, wake up in the morning disgusted, fight with your mate constantly and hide in the corner crying 90% of the time in one week is this a positive evaluation for your child? I think not.

"If you as parents cut corners, your children will too. If you lie, they will too. If you spend all your money on yourselves and tithe no portion of it for charities, colleges, churches, synagogues, and civic causes, your children won't either. And if parents snicker at racial and gender jokes, another generation will pass on the poison adults still have not had the courage to snuff out."

by Marian Wright Edelman

Your children see and hear everything! Think before you act on anything and stop blaming your present errors on the past and what people have done to you. You control your own destiny!

Have a wonderful day everyone and God bless!

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