
Bullying and Joining "Clicks" In School!


So I enjoyed a day at the movies on Friday with my niece Beatrice (such a sweet girl) and after the movies I invited her out to eat at Applebee's (they've expanded their menu by the way and it's oh so yummy) but anyway as we were waiting for our meal to come I asked her about school. I'm a very good Titi right? :) She tells me that recently there was an episode in school where she felt she had to rat out a certain person because she couldn't face injustice and that she didn't care if the entire school found out she was a rat because she did the right thing and she couldn't understand the immaturity of kids today being forced to do the wrong thing just to stay in these so called "Clicks". I was so proud of her. Back in my day I would've been "jumped" by a group of girls for doing that. Mind you I didn't care either. Some kids think that if they tell someone of authority they will be seen as weak and will be made fun of. In reality it's the contrary. They will be seen as the hero. The one who has put a stop to injustice and they will actually have the power to stop these people from continuing the bullying to others. They will "Shout Out" these bad clicks and actually put them out of business. Kids don't know how much power they have and instead of bodyslamming the kid out of rage for the years of inhumane treatment which I saw in the news the other day PLEASE TELL SOMEONE WHAT IS GOING ON! I'm proud of my niece and her parents had a lot to do with how she chose to handle the situation. I always say parents have a responsibility in teaching and informing their kids about everything no matter how uncomfortable the topic may be for them and for their kids. You can stop bullies by:

Telling someone
Avoiding bad situations
Gaining confidence to face the person who is bullying you!
You can also just try and ignore them or tell them to stop
See school counselor
Talk to your mother
Warn teachers about it
Try figure situations out by yourself or it could become worse with other people interfering. In the cases of cyberbullying never reply.Ever! Tell someone(a teacher or parent) they will sort it out. Cyberbullying is against they law and can be tracked to the place it came from no matter what!(yes even if all messages have been deleted.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_you_stop_bullies#ixzz1I0MQA2m1

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