
Dress Code and Monitoring Our Kids Clothing Attire for School

Are parents monitoring their kids clothing attire for school?

I understand that children now start working as young as 14 whether it be babysitting, a grocery store or a movie theatre but that doesn't mean that you can't monitor what clothes they buy to wear to school. I know there is constant peer pressure to compete in school but our children are maturing quickly these days, especially our young girls. Granted I do not have a daughter; YET! However, I was a stepmom once and if I did have a young daughter, believe you me I will not allow her to step out of the house with clothing that is going to turn heads. Being a stepmom wasn't easy. I had to constantly observe a 15 year old girl wear daisy dukes shorts to go to the store or around the corner and tight T-shirts to go with it. Not a good look for a young girl no matter how cute you think it is. The dad. Let's just say he had no control over his kids whatsoever. I offered my opinion but ultimately could not control the situation.

If your children are not working and you are in charge of purchasing their wardrobe then you need to evaluate what you are buying and see how it looks on your kid before you actually buy. Also, what is the deal with the young boys and their pants on the floor? Please parents, this is not cute by any means or stylish. Yes, it may be that they are leaving your house dressed appropriately but something tells me that you know very well what is happening. Please comment! I may be wrong. I'm a parent so I have every right to start this discussion but I know many people who are not parents yet who will not accept a certain dress code for their child. It is your problem and our children, especially girls, need to monitored on all levels. Why do some parents feel like they have to cater to their childs every need. I saw the other day a mother buying her daughter a pair of thongs. Yes! a pair of thongs just because SHE wanted them. What did she do? She bought them in 3 different colors for her. The girl may have been about 13 or 14. I just had to walk away. Are parents so enveloped in their own lives that they don't SEE a problem with it or even care? Or do they think that it's just innocent, stylish wear? Let's look at the clothes on them before we buy them. I came across this really cool virtual wardrobe site. Check it out and please comment!



Should You Allow Your Child "Under 16" to have a Facebook Page?

What a dilemna! Your child who is only 8 comes up to you one day after school and asks you "Can I have a facebook page"? First of all what is Facebook to them right? Little did I know some of his friends in his class are on Facebook. Wait a minute! Aren't you supposed to be 18 to join facebook? I know the deal. It's happening everywhere. People are registering with fake names and lieing about their age. I start asking around and most parents are allowing this just because the child is adding only family members and friends. I believe that's where problems begin. I feel that we have a responsibility to say "NO"! Am I the only one who feels this way. I had another parent tell me "Well it's ok because she added me as her friend and I'm going to be monitoring her page, what she does, what she says, blah, blah, blah". His child was being so persistent on it that he just decided to create one for her (yes..lied for her as well) just so he can make her happy. What! How far are we as parents willing to go to make our children happy. There are boundaries and this is one of them. I recently took a poll on one site (not going to mention the site) and I was astonished by the result of the poll. 35% of the poll was for young kids to have a facebook account. There is one thing to trust your kids and express this to them but there is another thing in proving to your kid that you trust them. There are other more significant ways to express to your child that your trust them. One of them I think is letting them walk to school on their own showing them that you trust their responsibility in not talking to strangers and looking both ways before crossing the street. To have your child say to you "Why Not? You don't trust me?" is dead wrong and that reverse pyschology doesn't work with me. It has nothing to do with trusting you. It has everything to do with my responsibility as a parent in treating him as the kid he is and not the adult he wants to be. Please feel free to comment. I would love to hear your feedback. Below you will find a link to a website with this discussion. 


Bullying and Joining "Clicks" In School!


So I enjoyed a day at the movies on Friday with my niece Beatrice (such a sweet girl) and after the movies I invited her out to eat at Applebee's (they've expanded their menu by the way and it's oh so yummy) but anyway as we were waiting for our meal to come I asked her about school. I'm a very good Titi right? :) She tells me that recently there was an episode in school where she felt she had to rat out a certain person because she couldn't face injustice and that she didn't care if the entire school found out she was a rat because she did the right thing and she couldn't understand the immaturity of kids today being forced to do the wrong thing just to stay in these so called "Clicks". I was so proud of her. Back in my day I would've been "jumped" by a group of girls for doing that. Mind you I didn't care either. Some kids think that if they tell someone of authority they will be seen as weak and will be made fun of. In reality it's the contrary. They will be seen as the hero. The one who has put a stop to injustice and they will actually have the power to stop these people from continuing the bullying to others. They will "Shout Out" these bad clicks and actually put them out of business. Kids don't know how much power they have and instead of bodyslamming the kid out of rage for the years of inhumane treatment which I saw in the news the other day PLEASE TELL SOMEONE WHAT IS GOING ON! I'm proud of my niece and her parents had a lot to do with how she chose to handle the situation. I always say parents have a responsibility in teaching and informing their kids about everything no matter how uncomfortable the topic may be for them and for their kids. You can stop bullies by:

Telling someone
Avoiding bad situations
Gaining confidence to face the person who is bullying you!
You can also just try and ignore them or tell them to stop
See school counselor
Talk to your mother
Warn teachers about it
Try figure situations out by yourself or it could become worse with other people interfering. In the cases of cyberbullying never reply.Ever! Tell someone(a teacher or parent) they will sort it out. Cyberbullying is against they law and can be tracked to the place it came from no matter what!(yes even if all messages have been deleted.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_you_stop_bullies#ixzz1I0MQA2m1

How to Get Your Child Away From The Computer to Join the Outside World


How to get your child away from the computer and into the outside world?

You are a parent and you work 5 days a week at home plugged into your computer and on the phone all day leaving messages for clients who do not pick up their phones. When Saturday comes the last thing I want to do is stay home and be on my computer. So I decide to ask my son out to the park. First of all my son gets up bright and early on a Saturday and proceeds to turn on his computer to go to the site http://www.clubpenguin.com/; an ad-free, virtual world where children could play games, have fun and interact. How can I beat that right? So of course the answer to going to the park is "No Mom". Do you want to watch a movie with me? No. Hey, let's grab a pizza? He's not hungry...we have food at home anyway. I try to teach him a dance move. "Please stop Mom...you are distracting me!. What! I'm distracting him? Ok so I begin to talk to him now as an adult and tell him that's it been a while since Mom went out on a date and how he is my number 1 priority and if I ever were to go out on a date it would be with him because he is the man of the house and my number one little man. My son turned to me and said "I'm the man of the house?". We can go out on a date? I said yes that moms and their boys go out on dates all the time. "Just me and you?" he says. Yep.....I said "Just me and you my love". So that night we went out for sushi (his favorite) and we called it "A Date". How proud was he telling his friends Monday morning that he went out on a date with his Mom and that I called him the man of the house. I noticed that my son was growing up and as long as I treated him like a little adult rather than a little boy his reaction was different. I have to translate a day at the park as a date at the park. We have been going out on "dates" ever since. Never knew that language was so important to a little kid and that it makes all the difference when you phrase things a certain way to your child. He is my best friend now. "Never dictate your child in front of guests. Treat him or her as an adult. The child is an individual and you should help him/her develop their own individuality,” said Shobha Mathur, a Delhi-based expert, while warning parents against scolding their children in front of strangers...She said: “Each child varies from the other on the basis of the proportion of intelligence levels.”

http://www.indianexpress.com/news/treat-your-child-as-an-adult/392247/. It worked for me and I hope it works for you. Take your child on a date today.